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An express bus start direct to Takamatsu Station - Otsuka Museum of Art than Thursday, August 1, 2024!

From Thursday, August 1, 2024,
Otsuka Museum of Art entry of of Tokushima Bus/Okawa bus "Takamatsu - Tokushima Line" will start.
To the Takamatsu Station high speed BT - new "in front of Otsuka Museum of Art" stop about 1 hour 30 minutes (as for 1 coming and going, day trip a day, possible)
I am selling the advantageous set ticket of "express bus ticket" + "Otsuka Museum of Art entering a building ticket"!
By express bus direct as for the trip of the summer vacation to Otsuka Museum of Art! Please use it.

In detail

2024 August 1, 2, 3 and 4 Takamatsu Station - direct express bus service start commemorative campaign

"Naruto thread seaweed" made specially in hometown is presented by the customer that a direct express bus from Takamatsu Station is got off by the use at "in front of Otsuka Museum of Art" bus stop!
By express bus direct as for the trip of the summer vacation to Otsuka Museum of Art! Please use it.

[the campaign date]
Thursday, August 1, 2024, 2 Friday, 3 Saturday, 4 Sunday
At the time of "in front of Otsuka Museum of Art" bus stop getting off, I hand a present.

[the service time]
At Takamatsu Station high speed BT 9:40
 → Arrival at 11:00 before Otsuka Museum of Art
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