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All of the travel agency, the schools (group reservation form)

About the work commentary by outside lecturers
About the reservation of the group meal, group sweets set [during a stop]

[guidance about the museum shop business hours change]
The business hours of the third-floor museum shop under the ground are changed as follows from Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Business hours 10:00-17:00 ※The sound guide rental 9:30-17:00 (there is no change)
A page of the museum shop is this place

[notice of the rest room]
The rest room of the front entrance becomes only one "all multifunctional restrooms" (anyone is available).
After the entering a building, there are 2-3 rest rooms in each floor. Floor Map is this

Group reservation form
For the vehicle number grasp of the visit situation and the bus, as for the visit in the group, prior; please let me know.
From the following reservation form, apply for the requirements after input by two weeks ago.
After the reception desk, I will reply than a person in charge of this museum reservation.

About Otsuka Museum of Art special reservations

I heard special reservations of the Museum Holidays by night.
It is 1,160,000 yen -, but an additional charge may be necessary by a plan and an option.
When reservations are hoped for, please inform me of the details to Otsuka Museum of Art.
・Telephone 088-687-3737 (9:00-17:30)

About the right or wrong of the acceptance, I consider time, contents each time and will answer after examination.
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