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Order for museum shop product

On inquiring it

■For inquiries, please contact us."privacy policy"Please read and agree before filling in.
■ Please input a phone number (home or cell-phone) to get of the contact into a phone number column by all means.
■ As an answer may take time, please refer for the dispatch over a telephone.
■ Please check reception setting (junk email setting) to be able to receive a reply email.
■ Sorry for your inconvenience, but please contact me from this again by any chance when there is not a reply.
■Shipping is limited to within Japan.

Contact Form

The request main name ※required
※An example: Taro Yamada
  〃 furigana ※required
※An example: Yamada Taro
  〃 zip code ※required
※An example: 123-4567
  〃 metropolis and districts ※required
  〃 address ※required
  〃 phone number ※required
  〃 FAX
  〃 e-mail address  ※required

Only as for note) half size alphanumeric character
※Please input the same e-mail address twice
The address name
※If different from requester
 〃 furigana
※If different from requester
 〃 zip code
※If different from requester
  〃 metropolis and districts
 〃 address
※If different from requester
 〃 phone number
※If different from requester
Product, amount of the order  ※required
Payment method ※required
Delivery time you like ※required
Other than that