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Kenshi Yonezu "Lemon" CD jacket is displayed in Otsuka Museum of Art to Sue board

It made an extra-large jacket of 8th single "Lemon" where I drew Yonezu Kenshi, and an illustration was used for Sue board, and it was decided to display in Otsuka Museum of Art.
In "Lemon released in 2018/3, "sekimaki did many rankings in the same year, and even a ranking acquired in the first half of 2019 of 1st place and achieved 25 crowns in total in conjunction with an artist ranking. MV breaks through 4 hundred million first reproduction as a Japanese artist and is still updating a record. In addition, by the NHK Red and White Singing Contest, I broadcasted it live at the end of last year from our art museum in hometown, Tokushima of Yonezu, and it was a big topic.
This time, as a form of gratitude for the care and care given to Lemon by so many people, Yonezu created a special oversized "Lemon" ceramic board that looks exactly like the jacket he drew himself. From July 7thOtsuka Museum of ArtIt will be exhibited at. The ceramic plate measures 93 x 93 cm and will not fade or deteriorate, so it will remain the same color and shape for 2000 years into the future. Please take a look.

[display start] Tuesday, 2019/7/30... ※Permanent construction
[display place] Otsuka Museum of Art Sistine Hall
[Size] 93cm x 93cm

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