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Trip of the world heritage rotating in "spring whirlpool Festival"-related Events Otsuka Museum of Art

Until from Saturday, March 1, 2025 to Saturday, May 31, "spring whirlpool Festival" (Naruto-shi whirling current Tourism Association, the Naruto-shi cosponsorship) is held.
A whirling current of Naruto Channel aiming at the world heritage. Various events are planned commencing with the beginning Events "whirlpool difference" in each place in a spring tourist season.
The Naruto-shi whirling current Tourism Association website is

I prepared "trip of the world heritage which rotated in Otsuka Museum of Art" MAP in the Otsuka Museum of Art to this.
About 1,000 points of display works in the hall have a lot of local works registered as a world heritage. The display reproduced to actual size with Sue board is a force perfect score! How is the work appreciation for the feeling that went to the field?☆

[appreciation map downloading ↓]

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